Does your wound let the light in?

Alex Iglecia, MA
5 min readSep 7, 2018

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

I watched the beginning of ‘A Wrinkle In Time’ recently, and as bad as it was, I was transfixed for a while. I teared up when a character quoted Rumi, and knew that’s all I needed to see in this movie.

I’ve been moved to tears by this quote over the years many times. My breath shakes. I feel something open.

Do you?

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

Can you feel something deeper, more open?

Does your breath change?

Along with the release, the relaxation, and the breath, can you notice the grief, shame, or sadness?

You can spend minutes and hours here and do a lot of great work for yourself.
But there’s more.

There’s more because your wound letting in light isn’t the end of the story.

We need to look at something simple and powerful hiding in the words.

What has filled your wound with sadness, shame or grief is the blindspot of narrative that something is wrong.

That’s why I can hear this line and tear up more, again and again.

That’s why the more you play with this line and let the light in, you’ll finally get to an experience that something is missing.

What’s hiding in the words of Rumi’s wisdom is extremely subtle. It’s the final 1% that completes the promise of this heart-stopping quote.

Let’s find that 1%, shall we?

Notice the wound. Notice the light. Notice the opening, and change.
Now, hiding there, what still feels wrong?

Is it you? Is it existence? Something else?

There has been pain in your life, and now, you’re clearly capable of facing it and being fueled by it.

You’re strong enough and light enough to go all the way.

So here we go.

What if the wound and all the speakable reasons for the wound weren’t wrong? What if you and existence weren’t wrong either?
What if it *wasn’t* a wound?

You get the final 1% shift when you notice that the act of relating to your experience as wound keeps you trapped.

Feeling any lighter?
Almost there…

You get the final 1% shift when you stop abusing yourself by calling *it* your wound.

It’s by relating to your experience as wound that has kept the tears flowing and the subtle trap going because you stay stuck in the process and never get to the end.

Because look at it this way — what IS a wound? Sometimes it’s a shitty result of some mistake you made like when I jumped excitedly off a ramp on my scooter and face planted my teeth through my lip, lost all my cool friends and got my mind messed with by the doctor when I got my stitches out.

Or the time I wrote fantasy porn and got into massive trouble in 5th grade.

But most times, and I’m willing to bet more times than not, a wound is something that happened to you that you never asked for.

Like my dad telling me not to laugh like a girl.
Like my mom telling me to look away from scary movie moments.

Little things can scar little kids. And many people are scarred by much bigger things.

Yet, the insidiousness of a wound is that it hides the choice you’re making to keep making yourself a victim now by relating to ‘your’ wound as something that *happened to you.*

Stay in the trap of those words, and keep trapping your power.

The lasting lie of that wound is that it keeps you out of total self awareness and control with limited power, feeling frustrated, having no ultimate say, and you don’t matter. So of course you’re not worthy, not deserving, not lovable, not ever. How can it be any other way?

But there’s power in seeing through the joke, and seeing the choice you’re making, believing you have a wound. Do you want to keep believing that belief and narrating yourself into powerlessness?

I don’t.

Deep down, I know you’re not a victim.
Deep down, you know you’re not a victim.

You know that because you’re stardust with consciousness. You’re a miracle of molecules, dancing the delight of digesting chocolate and wine and french toast in a tiny blue planet spinning through the cosmos.

But ‘your wound’ makes you a victim and your victimness maintains the wound.

We can’t feel at home in the world as long as there is a wound.

Starting to see the trap?

So what if relating to any of your experience as a wound was how you’re turning your experience, and your life, into a problem?
And what if it wasn’t?

See here — what if what you have called your wound never was?
What if you could just look at your present experience hidden behind ‘your wound’ and breathe in the power and purpose there?

What if what you’ve been calling your wound was actually the world you know is possible, right here, right now?
And who would you be if you stopped relating to it as a wound, and you as a victim, and the world as a problem?

Get it?
Got it?
Good gawd, it’s time to wrap this up!

With the way I partner with my clients, we get extremely fast, mind-blowing results right way because we explore how to see through the idea that they are broken. The spell is broken and the world is wide open the end of the first session. This is how I help people know they are epic and let their life be as great as it can be.

How can you break the spell of your wound right now?

Say out loud: “Everything I’ve thought of as my wound, isn’t. Everything I’ve kept hidden from me and the world by relating to my life with wounds, I’m ready to see, to know, to have clarity, to enjoy, and to let shine. Here. Now. I am what I know I really am.”

How’s that feel?

Now the world is truly your playground and you get to explore being you. This is what it means to Start by Being EPIC.

You’re already epic.
You were never wounded.
You’re already radiant, strong, and home.

You being complete IS your path, leading you to everywhere you truly want to be.

What world awaits you now that you know?

#beingepic #authenticity #clarity

Want an epic relationship with you?

You’ve got big games to play, but is a 1% shift of a major blindspot in the way?

Is something holding you back?
What’s limiting love?

What drives you crazy?
Where is the fear shutting you down?

Clients hire me to have clarity and authenticity so they can experience more joy in their work, their relationships and their body. What do you want?

Schedule an epic exploration with me at where it says invitation. A little time with me will uplevel your relationships, body and business faster than you think and land you firmly at home in the world.

You are a miracle in the making, true story & Joy guaranteed.



Alex Iglecia, MA

Want clarity? Renewed energy? A shift in your state and increased resilience? You just need the right questions and a different point of view.