Don’t Create a Group Program Before You Do This

Alex Iglecia, MA
2 min readMar 15, 2021

Don’t create a group program from a passion or an idea about what people want. There are exceptions, but…

You know nothing until they pay with attention or money.

I launched programs badly for years and watched too many people do the same thing. There’s one thing we did wrong. I’ll tell you what mentors told me years ago when I thought I was too excited, passionate and aligned to listen.

Do not create a group program if you can’t name the promise in one phrase. What problem or pleasure is your program about? Can you explain it to a stranger? Wait if you don’t have too many people wanting what you offer. Instead:

1A. Max out your 1:1 Coaching, Consulting or Creating.

Do it until you are so successful that you have to scale to grow revenue & impact. You’ll know what works, what sells, what words to use and what people want from you next.

2. Pre-Sell a group program, build & deliver, then iterate.

Don’t build a big thing on a platform and try to sell it. Having a built program at this stage makes it harder, not easier, to sell because you built something no one asked for.



Alex Iglecia, MA

Want clarity? Renewed energy? A shift in your state and increased resilience? You just need the right questions and a different point of view.