The real raw reason for your business is?

Alex Iglecia, MA
2 min readMar 3, 2021

What’s the real reason you started your business?


I’ll show you mine — will you show me yours? 👇🏼

What is the real reason you started your own business?

I wish I could say it was to help people or there was a specific purpose or that I had a big vision or believed in a solution for big problems for millions. I’d be lying.

The truth is I felt trapped everywhere I went. Even when I got so good at what I was doing, I felt powerless to truly change anything. I felt like I didn’t belong. I couldn’t enjoy it. Worse, it was like the more I was authentically creative and enthusiastic, the more people I repelled. Now I know I just hadn’t waited long enough.

But back then, being in those boxes was way too painful for me. So I left. Many times, I wanted to quit life rather than play stupid games that made no sense to me.

Life led me. Clients came. My contribution changed lives.

But I couldn’t figure out exactly why clients came to me. For what, precisely? Amazing results, sure, but I felt blind. It was like magic I couldn’t repeat…



Alex Iglecia, MA

Want clarity? Renewed energy? A shift in your state and increased resilience? You just need the right questions and a different point of view.