Want to Improve Your Writing & message in 30 Days?

Alex Iglecia, MA
2 min readMar 12, 2021

Social media was wasting my time and I needed a shift.

That’s why I joined Ship30for30 and why I am doing it again — to master my message and make a better difference.

If you’re writing, speaking, creating and building, you know what crickets sound like. Here’s how Ship30for30 changed that:


They said we’d hack the algorithm and we did. Also: valuable inspiration, knowledge, community meetings, accountability buddies, courage and office hours.


Tweets ⬆ 270%, Impressions ⬆ 342% Profile Visits ⬆ 262%, Mentions ⬆ 850%. My results are on the low end. Many participants did better.


Ship30 was worth it for the onboarding process alone. It was more effective than programs where I invested $5–35K.


Being part of Dickie & Nicolas’ inner circle is priceless, but the real surprise was how my growth mindset accelerated with so many talented & empowering writers daily.


Being a speaker, teacher & coach has always created flow, but I wondered — how could I bring that flow into writing? Shipping every day I watched flow take over…



Alex Iglecia, MA

Accelerate insight, change & new direction by experiencing yourself more fully. Choose your start: Stuck | Clarity | Crossroads | Growth | Healing | Wisdom